In Hyderabad, a man died due to drowning as his cousin recorded a video on mobile app TikTok while they were frolicking in a lake. 24 years old Narasimhalu, can be seen in a video that in the background while his cousin is filming a TikTok video. Narasimhalu couldn’t swim and while his cousin Prasanth was making a video he had moved deeper into the waters before Prasanth realized something was wrong.
Watch the video here:
Meanwhile, when he saw Narasimhalu struggling in the water for life, Prasanth ran swiftly to call out nearby people for help. But it was late till then, Narasimhalu lost his life as he drowned and his dead body was pulled out by local people, as per the reports.
This video of the tragic incident went viral on social media and received flak from the netizens. Narasimhalu was visiting his cousin when they decided to go to the lake.