Marriage is considered as the starting of 2nd phase in everyone’s life. Marriage can either be arranged or love. These days most of the people prefer to have a love marriage than getting arranged by their parents.
Following, we listed advantages and disadvantages of love marriage:
1. Ownership
Advantage: The ownership of love marriage lies totally with the partners.
Disadvantage: Partners can’t blame their parents if anything goes wrong.
2. Choice to choose
Advantage: In love marriage, individuals have their own choice and wish to get married to the specific person.
Disadvantage: There’s a lot of anxiety and stress that people go through when they choose to spend their life with someone of their choice.
3. Risk factor
Advantage: The young couple still hope for lifelong togetherness and risk factor almost eliminates.
Disadvantage: There is a lot of risk of separation in love marriage because usually these marriages are done impulsively.
4. Parental involvement
Advantage: Individuals choose their partners and then convey their choice to the parents.
Disadvantage: Individuals don’t get parental support and everyone in their family turns against them.
5. Financial implication
Advantage: Partners become more responsible and mature to handle things of their own.
Disadvantage: Due to lack of financial support, things get a little bit complicated.
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