Between the lockdown, we are trying to increase the immunity of our body to easily fight coronavirus. Meanwhile, there are many self-therapies and home remedies that are continuously surfacing on the internet to boost the immune system. Medical professionals always suggest staying away from this kind of misinformation to keep your health good.
Warm water cannot kill the coronavirus
There is a myth revolving around that you should drink warm water every 15 minutes. This leads to washing the coronavirus from your throat. Then it goes to the stomach where acid kills the virus. This is totally wrong! You can only stay hydrated but this doesn’t kill the virus.
Eating garlic can prevent coronavirus
Garlic is well known in the terms of its health benefits. But, there is no proof that this can even help preventing the corona.
Sunlight and UV Rays can’t kill coronavirus if it’s already inside your body
We actually don’t know how sunrays kill this new coronavirus. But we are sure that if it’s inside your body and started reproducing. There is no way sun rays can reach or kill it. So this doesn’t matter how much sunbath you take.
Heating your sinuses won’t kill the coronavirus
Blasting your hairdryer to your nose isn’t gonna work either. WHO already confirmed that this virus can’t be killed by hand dryers, it can also live in high temperatures.
Vitamins won’t boost the immune system against coronavirus
Vitamins and supplements are a good way to improve immunity. But there is no proof that this can help your body in preventing coronavirus in any way. Vitamins can be helpful in the common cold but taking too much of them can also bring you problems.