Actor Aamir Khan has at last affirmed that fans will see superstar Shah Rukh Khan in a cameo appearance in his forthcoming movie Laal Singh Chaddha. In a recent interaction, Aamir uncovered how he convinced Shah Rukh to be a part of the movie. Be that as it may, Aamir didn’t uncover in which role fans will see Shah Rukh.
Talking with Alexandra, when asked how he got SRK to do a cameo, Aamir said, “Well Shah Rukh is a friend and I told him that I needed someone who can represent what Elvis (Presley) represented in America. I need the biggest iconic star of India, which is why I am coming to you’ (laughs). He was really sweet and he said, ‘Yes’.”
SRK alongside the Laal Singh Chaddha team, including Aamir, has so far not talked about his part in the movie. Earlier this year, Shah Rukh held an Ask Me Anything session on Twitter. A fan had asked him, “Laal Singh Chaddha dekhi (Did you watch Laal Singh Chaddha)?” He had responded, “Arre yaar Aamir kehta hai pehle Pathaan dikha (Aamir says first show me Pathaan)!! #Pathaan”
Laal Singh Chaddha is the official Hindi adaptation of the 1994 Hollywood feature Forrest Gump featuring Tom Hanks. Backed by Viacom18 Motion Pictures and Aamir Khan Productions, the movie is set to release on August 11.