Something happens all the time in Bollywood, due to which the actor or actress has to face a lot of problems. Something similar happened with Bachchan’s daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. In fact, the photographer captured such pictures of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the camera that Abhishek Bachchan had to ask that please delete this photo.
The whole story
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and her husband Abhishek Bachchan were going to attend a party. The party was at the home of Manish Malhotra. Let me tell you that Karan Johar was also present in the party with him. After the end of the party organized by Manish Malhotra, as these stars came out to go to their respective homes, the photographers captured everyone. Meanwhile, the photographers present there also tried to take photos of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Let us tell you that on this occasion of the party, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was wearing a short denim dress. In such a situation, while sitting in her car, some such pics clicked that when Abhishek Bachchan got an eye, he had to say that please delete this photo.
As soon as Abhishek saw the photo of his wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, he was shocked. However, the photo that was taken was normal, but there were also some pictures that Abhishek Bachchan did not like. Actually, the angle from which Aishwarya’s pictures were taken was not correct as her dress was short. But there were many other photographers who had some photos left in their camera and which leaked later. Anyway, Junior Big B’s concern towards his wife was clearly visible.
There are many occasions when actors have to fall prey to ‘Oops Moment’. Abhishek deleted this same moment. But there are many such stars, whose oops and bad moments are captured. Mediamen should also take special care not to take such pictures in the process of making news or delete them even if there is a click by mistake.
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