It has been more than 20 days since the demise of Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan. But when both of these stars were fighting for life and death in the hospital, during that time Kamal R Khan tweeted against them using many derogatory and wrong words.
However, this is nothing new to KRK. He expressed his views on social media many times for big stars like Salman Khan.
But now an FIR has been lodged in the police against KRK’s words. Let me tell you that on April 30, Kamal R Khan in his tweet gave a contradictory statement on Rishi Kapoor and before that he abused Irrfan Khan linking the death with alcohol and abuse.
Rahul Kanak, member of the core committee of Yuva Sena, has complained against Kamal R Khan. The police have registered a case against KRK.
Talking to PTI, the police officer said that we have filed an FIR against Kamal R Khan for making derogatory remarks against both actors. A case has been filed against him under section 294. The matter is currently under investigation.