On Saturday, Bollywood actor Pankaj Tripathi‘s family has been struck by a tragedy. His brother-in-law, Rajesh Tiwari, passed while his sister Sarita Tiwari, sustained critical injuries. Read to know what happened.
His sister and brother-in-law were traveling from their village in Gopalganj, Bihar, to Chittaranjan, West Bengal. The accident took place around 4 PM near the GT Road in Nirsa, Dhanbad district of Jharkhand when their high-speed car (WB44D-2899) crashed into a divider. The impact was so severe that the car was badly damaged, and the front portion was extensively crushed. The locals & the police rushed to the scene and extracted the two victims from the mangled vehicle. They ASAP rushed to the Dhanbad Medical College Hospital, where Rajesh Tiwari, unfortunately, was declared dead by the emergency doctors. Sarita Tiwari, on the other hand, is currently admitted to the surgical ICU and remains in critical condition.
The tragic incident occurred when Rajesh Tiwari, who was employed with the Indian Railways and posted in Chittaranjan, was returning to his workplace from his village. Pankaj Tripathi’s family members have expressed their deep grief over the untimely demise of Rajesh, who was an integral part of their lives. This latest tragedy comes just a few months after Pankaj Tripathi lost his father, Pandit Banaras Tiwari, in August 2023. The family then released an official statement, saying, “It’s with a heavy heart to confirm that Pankaj Tripathi’s father, Pandit Banaras Tiwari is no more. He lived a wholesome life of 99 years. His last rites were performed in the presence of his close family.”
Pankaj Tripathi’s career front
Pankaj Tripathi, known for his work in films and web series, including Sacred Games, Gangs of Wasseypur, Mirzapur, Criminal Justice, OMG 2, Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, Stree, and Bareilly Ki Barfi, is right now on his way to his village in Gopalganj to be with his family. The tragic accident put the entire Bollywood fraternity and Pankaj Tripathi’s fans in a state of shock and sadness. Many have taken to social media to express their condolences and wish a speedy recovery for Pankaj’s sister, Sarita.
Nowadays, this sad event also reminds us how much it is important to stay safe while driving. Even famous people like Pankaj Tripathi can become victims of the accidents. Pankaj Tripathi’s family is going through a tough time. Many people in the entertainment industry are praying for his sister’s speedy recovery and supporting him. This accident has made Bollywood and everyone worried, and people are mourning the loss of Rajesh Tiwari.
This heartbreaking incident points to the importance of road safety measures and the need for increased awareness and enforcement to prevent such tragedies from occurring. As Pankaj Tripathi and his family navigate through this difficult period, the public’s empathy and respect for their privacy will be crucial in allowing them to mourn and heal. The industry and the public hope that Sarita Tiwari’s condition improves and that the family finds the strength to overcome this profound adversity.Talking about his brother Rajesh Tiwari. He will be remembered not only for his association with Pankaj Tripathi but also for the profound impact he had on the lives of those around him.