Like Bollywood, the drugs racket also has been busted in the Kannada film industry. In this connection, the crime branch raided the house of Kannada actress Ragini Dwivedi in Bangalore on Friday morning. About 6:30 in the morning, the raiding team consisted of 6 male and female cops. The actress has been taken into custody for questioning. In fact, the CCB had received information that Ragini has changed her mobile number after getting the summons. Therefore, CCB officials approached the court for search warrants and put the raid on Ragini’s house as soon as the warrant was received.
On August 21, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), taking major action, busted a drugs racket in Karnataka and arrested several drug peddlers. As the investigation progressed, the names of 15 celebrities associated with Sandalwood were revealed. During this time, when the agency arrested Ragini’s friend Ravi, it was found that the actress also has a connection with the case.
On September 3, Ragini was issued a notice to appear to the CCB. But she sent her lawyer and herself was absent. Ragini had stated that the reason for absence was to meet the summons on short notice. Have a look on her statement:
Ragini has worked in films like ‘Veer Madakari‘, ‘Shakar IPS‘, ‘Villain‘, ‘Victory‘ and ‘Shiva‘ in Kannada. She has given special appearances in the Shahid Kapoor starrer Bollywood film ‘R … Rajkumar’.