Discussing miscarriages and abortions is usually taboo for women. But actress Sharon stone was faithfully enough to open up about her experience. Read to know what she thinks about it.
Actress Sharon Stone who is now 64 years old has been publicly honest about the nine spontaneous abortions she has suffered throughout her life and the emotional consequences that these types of experiences have for women. Sharon who is the mother of three children by adoption: Quinn Kelly, Laird Vonne, and Roan Joseph revealed “We as women do not have a forum to discuss the depth of this loss. I lost nine children to miscarriages,” She further said, “It is not a small thing, physically or emotionally, but we are made to feel that it is something that we must endure alone and secretly with a kind of sense of failure, instead of receiving the compassion, empathy, and healing that we so badly need,”
Well, it is not the first time that she has been honest about topics that are usually taboo for women in society. In a 2009 interview for Prestige magazine that she gave on the occasion of the premiere of the film Satisfaction, she confessed to having lost two children in the fifth month of gestation. She said, “I had two pregnancies that I lost in the fifth month. And it was so horrible because I had to have surgery when my children died. It is a trauma that you simply cannot overcome, ”
In 2021, Sharon Stone shared her traumatic experience during an induced abortion when she was 18 years old in her memoir The Beauty of Living Twice. The actress secretly underwent the procedure after becoming pregnant by her boyfriend as a teenager. And had to travel from her home state of Pennsylvania, to have a legal abortion, where parental consent was not required. Although it is something that women usually don’t discuss, however she was faithful enough to reveal her personal life. This has racked up more than numerous likes and comments from other women.
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