Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas tied the knot in the grand palace Umaid Bhawan, Jodhpur on December 2 and 3. This year many big Bollywood actresses got married including Deepika Padukone, Sonam Kapoor, Neha Dhupia and Priyanka Chopra. Along with that, we want to let you know that there are many other stars too who are going to marry this last month of the year 2018. Take a look:
Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath
Comedy king Kapil Sharma is getting married to his longtime girlfriend Ginni Chatrath on December 12 in Punjab’s Jalandhar city.
Raghu Ram and Natalie Di Luccio
Shot to fame with MTV’s show Roadies, Raghu Ram is again going to marry in December. After divorcing his first wife, he got engaged to Italian-Canadian girlfriend Natalie Di Luccio.
Shruti and Rohit
Bollywood’s iconic villain Shaakaal aka Kulbhushan Kharbanda’s daughter Shruti Kharbanda is getting married to her boyfriend Rohit Neval. The special thing about this marriage is – it is going to take place in Umaid Bhawan palace too.
Shweta Basu Prasad and Rohit Mittal
The famous actress on TV and ‘Makdee’ film fame Shweta Basu will tie the knot with her boyfriend on December 13 in Pune. They are dating for 4 years now.
Rakhi Sawant and Deepak Kalal
Rakhi Sawant went public to announce that she is going to marry Deepak Kalal on December 31.