Recently one of the legendary players of the cricket, Yuvraj Singh took the retirement from the international career. Now, the star player is approached for two reality shows. The makers of Bigg Boss want to bring Yuvi in the 13th season of the show. With this, he is also approached for Rohit Shetty’s show, Fear Factor: Khataron Ke Khiladi for its 10th season. However, at present, Yuvraj is not ready for any of the two shows.
Both of these shows are telecast on the Colors channel. Earlier also Yuvraj has been approached for these shows but he refused to do them because of his busy tournament schedule. Now that he has retired from cricket, the makers hope that he can become part of the show.
According to the Spotboy report, for the game show Khataron Ke Khiladi, Mohabbatein’s lead actor Karan Patel has been finalized. Apart from Yuvi, TV Actress Crystal D’Souza’s name is also surfacing in the list.
Yuvraj Singh, who played a key role in India’s 2011 World Cup win, retired from international cricket on June 10. While declaring his retirement, he said, “My fans who always supported me, I do not have the word to thank them. To win the 2011 World Cup, and becoming Man of the Series was like a dream. After this, I diagnosed with cancer and I shattered a bit. At that time my family, my fans were with me.”