Bollywood and South actress Kajal Aggarwal is in the news for her personal life. Now, it is being reported that Kajal Aggarwal has engaged. According to a recent filmbeat report, actress Kajal Aggarwal, who worked with Ajay Devgan in the film Singham, has done a secret engagement. The report claimed that Kajal is going to take seven rounds with her mystery husband soon. It is being told that her husband is related to the choice of parents. Because Kajal Aggarwal has always said that she wants to marry someone outside the film industry.
According to the latest information, actress Kajal Aggarwal has engaged with a man named Gautam, who is said to be a businessman. Kajal Aggarwal’s family and a select few have joined this engagement ceremony. Kajal’s close friend and actor Srinivas Bailamkonda was also present. However, no official information has been revealed about this.
Interestingly, it is being said in the reports that Kajal Aggarwal will soon announce this good news through social media. Let me tell you, recently South Superstar Rana Daggubati has also got married. Rana Daggubati has taken seven rounds with Mihika Bajaj.
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