Akshay Kumar has reprimanded those who are walking out of homes, breaking the lockdown amid the outbreak of coronavirus. The superstar has shared a video on Twitter about this, in which he is saying that despite doing his own stunts in films, his life is more in danger due to this disease. He has also appealed to the people to join hands and stay in the house.
Akshay on Twitter: Have people lost their minds?
Every time I speak with my heart with love. But today I swear… I am sorry if some wrong words come out of my mouth. What has happened to people? Who does not understand the meaning of lockdown?
Lockdown means stay at home. Stay indoors. Be with family Do not get out to tread the road. Are you guys going outbrave? All your bravery will remain here. You will also go to the hospital and take your family along. Mother-sister, father, wife, everyone. No one will be left … if you will not care. Use your wisdom. I am saying with folded hands I do stunts in movies, fly cars, hang from helicopters. I do a lot But telling the truth, my life is drying out, I am scared. It is not a joke… At this time, everyone’s condition is bad in front of this disease.
The condition of the whole world is bad. You people can become the heroes of your family. Be the player of life, just stay at home. Stay at home until the government says. This will save your life. Your family’s life will be saved. There has been a war against Corona. We have to defeat it. This disease has to be defeated. We do not have a choice. The rest, if there was a fight, there was a war, then I tell you to get up and fight, heroes. But this war … For this, you will ask you to just sit at home with washed hands. Just sit. Stay quietly inside. Do not come out unless the government says. I will come again to ask you whether you have become a player or you have become an idiot? Stay home … thanks.