Twinkle Khanna alias Mrs Funnybones has recounted an interesting anecdote from 2015 when she tweeted about Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan’s Messenger of God which brought in a series of repercussions for her. On a lighter note, the author wrote that she was ‘completely impressed and transformed’ post watching the film’s trailer. However, later the members of the Dera Sacha Sauda perceived her tweet in the most direct sense and arranged a meeting with Ram Rahim. Following which a task force questioned Twinkle’s husband, actor Akshay Kumar in accordance with connections with Ram Rahim.
In her column featuring the topic of boredom and its adverse effects on real life, Twinkle wrote, “I had just seen the trailer of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan’s Messenger of God and heard the iconic song, ‘You are the Love Charger, billions battery when goes down you charged up with love so strong.’ I began asking people to come with me to catch the first day, first show of this cinematic outing, while urging them to wear T-shirts emblazoned with the Love Charger’s face that could be bought online at that point for ₹375. Loads of people wrote back to me saying they would come with me to see the movie.”
She continues, “Then members of the Dera Sacha Sauda started reaching out to me to arrange meetings with Ram Rahim since I was such a big fan. The climax of this disastrous tale was when my beleaguered partner who had never met, or for that matter spoken about Ram Rahim, was questioned by a task force about our connection to the ‘Godman’. They claimed that my tweet seemed to demonstrate I was clearly a devout follower.”
Akshay was interrogated by the Special Investigation Team earlier in 2018 due to his supoosed connection with Dera Sacha Sauda head.