Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Bell Bottom’ has been released in theaters on August 19. People are liking this film of Akshay Kumar very much. Meanwhile, the news is coming that three countries have simultaneously banned the release of Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Bell Bottom’. Some Arab countries have refused to release Akshay Kumar’s film. The names of countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar are included in this list. The censor boards of these countries have raised objections about a scene in the film.
The Censor Board of UAE believes that an attempt has been made to tarnish the image of the three countries in ‘Bell Bottom’. It is also being claimed that history has been tampered with in Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Bell Bottom’. This film by Akshay Kumar is based on a true incident from the 80s. The story of the film ‘Bell Bottom’ revolves around India’s first secret operation.
It is shown in the film that after the plane is hijacked, it is taken from Lahore to Dubai. During that time the hijackers were caught by the UAE forces. Later, UAE Defense Minister Mohammed bin Rashid intervened in the matter. However, it is shown in the film that Indian officers fulfill this secret mission. Even the Defense Minister of UAE is not aware of this.
It is being speculated that due to this change, the censor boards of all three countries have banned Akshay Kumar’s film. Due to the ban in countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar, there will be a bad effect on the earnings of the film Bell Bottom. Let us tell you that actors like Lara Dutta, Vaani Kapoor, Huma Qureshi, and Adil Hussain are seen in the lead roles in Akshay Kumar’s film.
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