Pakistani singer and Bollywood actor Ali Zafar has recently broken down on National TV. He cried because of sexual harassment allegations put on him by Meesha Shafi. Actually, he was invited to Geo News show Naya Pakistan where he discussed the allegations.
Ali Zafar also took to Twitter to share a video in which he can be seen jamming with Meesha Shafi.
To let you know, last year in April 2018, Meesha accused Ali Zafar of physically harassing her on “more than one occasion”. In a social media note, she wrote, “Ali is someone I have known for many years and someone I have shared a stage with. I feel betrayed by his behaviour and his attitude and I know that I am not alone.”
Later, Ali denied all the allegations and filed a case against her. And a few days ago the case against Ali made by Meesha has been dismissed by the court. Ali Zafar took to social media handle to let his fans know about it.