Actress Alia Bhatt once again opened up about her significant other, actor Ranbir Kapoor and called him her best friend. The two got married in April this year and are expecting their first baby. In the midst of this, Alia uncovered how wedding Ranbir has made her life stress free without changing anything between them.
Asked about life after wedding Ranbir Kapoor, Alia told Filmfare in a recent interaction, “Ranbir is my best friend, so after marriage, nothing has changed between us. He is the same person. Jitni taareef karun kam hi hai. As a husband and as a life partner, it’s a complete set of adjectives that I can use for him. He always supports me. Mujhe bahut hansaate hain. All of my concerns have vanished after getting married to him.”
“As an actor, I have so much love and respect for him. Ranbir is the easiest actor to work with. He is always very calm on set. He is the most punctual. He is also so accommodating and so giving. When you shoot with Ranbir, you can feel a silent energy. You don’t feel his stardom or his presence in that overbearing sort of way. It’s so natural and it’s so calm,” she added.
Alia was last seen in Netflix’s Darlings. The film likewise features Vijay Varma and Shefali Shah.