Amisha Patel started her acting film career with the 2000 film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. The film proved to be a super hit at the box office. After this, she was seen in ‘Ghadar: Ek Prem Katha’. This film also had the flag of success. After this, Amisha appeared in the film ‘Hamraaz’, in which the audience appreciated her work. However, after this, after giving flop films continuously, her career graph started falling downwards.
These days Amisha Patel is away from the industry and is enjoying her life. Despite being away from films, she stays connected with her fans through social media. Her glamorous pictures are seen on social media in the coming days. Meanwhile, there was some such incident with the actress at the airport, seeing that the actress became emotional, as well as her fans also became very emotional.
This video of Amisha Patel has become very viral on social media. Bollywood photographer Varinder Chawla shared this emotional video of Amisha Patel on his Instagram account. As soon as he shared the video, it became viral on social media. Seeing this video of Amisha, her fans also got emotional. This video is being liked and shared a lot. There are a lot of good reactions of people on the video.