Actor Amitabh Bachchan has spilled the tea on how the hit reality game show Kaun Banega Crorepati is almost nearing its end. The star posted on his blog on that the show is ‘coming to an end’, and he feels ‘withdrawal sentiments’.
Amitabh has been mediating KBC since 2000 except the third season which was handled by Shah Rukh Khan.
He wrote on his blog, “The days at KBC are coming to an end and the association brings in withdrawal sentiments .. crew and cast begin to feel the absence soon of the routine and there is a sense of departure .. But hopefully we shall all be together again .. SOON …”
He further goes on, “The episodes in conclusion reach out to distinguished celebrities and personalities who have made attractive and commanding contributions to the society and the country at large .. and it has been an honour to be in talks with them, and to learn some of their very educational thoughts and views … what comes through is their dedication towards duty , their discipline and their never failing faith and trust in the work they have been assigned to .. giving it all and their best shot ..a learning for all .. certainly for me …”
Amitabh will be next seen in the Hindi version of The Intern with Deepika Padukone. He has also Project K with Prabhas and Deepika.