Ananya Panday’s schedule is loaded with Liger promotions as we move closer to the film’s release on August 25. The actress has been seen with co-star Vijay Deverakonda as they travel across the nation to promote Liger. On Tuesday, Ananya posted her most recent look from the promotion of her forthcoming movie. Karisma Kapoor, Navya Nanda, Suhana Khan, Amrita Arora and numerous others responded to Ananya’s look in blue dress.
In her latest post, Ananya posted a couple of pictures of herself from her latest outing, and penned, “Promotions day 6282762272. Ananya added a couple of emoticons to the caption. After wearing few traditional Indian looks, the actress was seen wearing a blue bodycon outfit in her most recent post. She likewise wore blue heels with her dress
Many people reacted to her post. One person commented, “Love that dress. Super cute.” Actress Karisma Kapoor wrote, “Gorgeous girl.” Suhana Khan, who is good to go to make her acting debut with The Archies, also commented, “Wow.”
Ananya was previously seen in Gehraiyaan along with Deepika Padukone. Her next, Liger, is set to release in theatres in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. Ananya likewise has Kho Gaye Hum Kahan with actors Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav in pipeline.