In cue to the celebration of India’s victory over Pakistan in the T20 series, actor Anushka Sharma too wrote a heartwarming note for cricketer husband Virat Kohli. Virat emerged victorious with a whopping score of 82 not out in partnership with Hardik Pandya. India beat Pakistan by four wickets in the group 2 category at the T20 World Cup series at the grand Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).
Anushka wrote, “You beauty!! You freaking beauty!! You have brought sooooo much joy in peoples lives tonight and that too on the eve of Diwali! You are a wonderful wonderful man my love. Your grit, determination and belief is mind boggling.”
She also mentioned about how she danced out of joy, “I have just watched the best match of my life I can say and although our daughter is too small to understand why her mother was dancing around and screaming wildly in the room, one day she will understand that her dad played his best innings that night which followed after a phase that was tough on him but he came out of it stronger and wiser than ever before,” she added. “So proud of you !! Your strength is contagious and you my love, are LIMITLESS!! Love you forever and through thick and thin.”
Virat also expressed his views after the win, “It is a surreal atmosphere, I have no words, no idea how that happened. I am really lost for words. Hardik believed we can do it, if we stayed till the end. When Shaheen bowled from the pavilion end, that is when we decided to take him down. Haris is their prime bowler, and I hit those two sixes. From 28 in 8, it came down to 16 to 6. I tried to stick to my instincts. The first one was back of a hand slower ball (the one over long-on). Standing here I just feel like it was meant to be. Till today Mohali was my best T20I innings. Today I will count this one higher. Hardik kept pushing me. The crowd has been phenomenal. You guys (fans) kept backing me and I am grateful for your support.”