Currently, lockdown is there across the country. In such a situation, Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor is also at home. He is telling the fans on social media how that how he actually spending time at home.
Arjun Kapoor has shared his latest photo on social media, in which he can be seen in a Brahmin hairstyle. He is bald to say, but with a little style. Fans are shocked to see this photo of Arjun Kapoor. Some people are liking this look, then some are also making fun of him.
So far, this is a mystery whether Arjun Kapoor has made this hairstyle himself or he has taken the help of a hairstylist. Everything is closed due to Corona lockdown. But Arjun Kapoor is really reminding me of the film ‘Panipat‘ in this hairstyle.