After the drugs angle surfaced in the case of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, several big names from Bollywood were summoned. On November 11, NCB has called Arjun Rampal’s girlfriend Gabriella. Gabriella Demetriades has reached the NCB office for questioning. Outside the office, she appeared with her lawyer. During this time, she did not talk to the media and went straight to the office.
The NCB raided the Mumbai home of actor Arjun Rampal on the afternoon of 9 November. The NCB then sent summons for questioning in connection with the alleged drugs case. At the same time, Gabriella’s brother Agicillos was taken into NCB custody after seizing alprazolam pills and hashish from his home.
Filmmaker Firoz Nadiadwala’s house was also raided before Arjun’s house was raided. In which NCB confirmed the seizure of drugs from the manufacturer’s house. Firoz’s wife Shabana Saeed is arrested. The producer was called for questioning by the NCB on 09 November and his wife Shabana was taken for medical tests.
After the death of Sushant Singh Rajput on June 14, his suicide was being investigated by many agencies, during which the drug case came to light. First of all Sushant’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty got screwed in this case, then her brother was also sent to jail. The investigation of the case also reached actresses like Deepika Padukone, Rakul Preet, Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor. All were called to NCB office for inquiry.