The 42-year-old actor, Ankur Bhatia is all praises for his co-actor Sushmita Sen. He was recently seen in the hit web series, Arya as Sen’s brother. Bhatia is also known for his roles in Sarbjit (2016) as Aishwarya Rai’s husband and then in Haseena Parkar (2017) as Shraddha Kapoor’s husband. He affirms that Arya has helped him trace a silver lining in his acting career. He averred that his career has now been segregated into two phases of before and after.
Currently, he is tied up with film projects including a big-budgeted Ali Abbas Zafar’s Bloody Money, featuring Shahid Kapoor. He further adds, “Arya changed my career big time, because before that I had done a stint in films. But my career took off after this show. People liked my role as Sangram, Arya’s (played by actor Sushmita Sen) brother, and it connected really well. From there, it was picked up for a second season, it was great.”
Bhatia is also working in line for an upcoming web project is elated to witness his career transform. He says that, “Something, that I have followed right since the beginning of my career is that I never said a yes to any project in one go. I have been selective. I did Sarbjit, and then I waited for a year-and-a-half because I was not keen on playing similar roles again. Then, I did Haseena Parkar, and after a two year gap I signed Arya.”
Interestingly, the actor has earlier turned down this very project which has brought him stardom. Bhatia ends by saying that, “I was in New York then, and approached by the casting director Abhimanyu Ray. He didn’t disclose that I was playing Sushmita Sen’s brother. I had played a husband in two films until then, so I wasn’t very keen.”