It’s been a while since rumors of the romance between Athiya Shetty and cricketer KL Rahul have been making headlines. It was heard that the couple started dating from February 2019 but once again they are getting popular in the media for their rumored relationship. Celebrity kids are always in the news in Bollywood. One of them is Athiya Shetty, daughter of famous actor Sunil Shetty. Athiya has turned 27 on November 5. On Athiya’s birthday, KL Rahul wished him a happy birthday and shared a picture. Rahul and Athiya are seen in the picture. While Rahul is looking towards Athiya, Athiya is smiling. After this post both the names are added together again
Reports say that Vikram Phadnis a designer has commented on their relationship He made headlines with his series of comments teasing the actress with the cricketer. The league says that the rumors of their strong relationship is all set on fire but the couple has kept their mouth shut.