Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and Akshay Kumar trends on twitter for their contribution during the coronavirus pandemic. Netizens are demanding Bharat Ratna for them.
During the coronavirus Pandemic B-town celebrities made donations towards various initiatives and funds, along with making the people aware of the pandemic and telling them to be safe and stay at home. But among them, actor Sonu Sood and Akshay Kumar made headlines for their generous contributions. They came out and extended their support to the people affected by the pandemic. Both these actors are from Punjab. And people are now heaping praise and calling them a real-life hero.
On one hand where Sonu Sood effortlessly helped thousands of migrant workers to send back to their home towns by arranging buses for them to reach their home states. On another hand Akshay Kumar had pledged a donation of Rs. 25 crores to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s PM CARES Fund. Also, Sonu Sood opened the doors of his hotel in Mumbai for the Police and other people who were front line warriors. And also supplied PPE kits.
The hashtags demanding Bharat Ratna awards for both these actors are trending on twitter now. And the netizens are in favor of them. Let’s check out how people are supporting them with their tweets. Amid of it actress Kangana Ranaut also tweeted with the caption” Akshay Kumar and Sonu Sood helped from the bottom of their heart, They deserve Bharat Ratna”.
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