On Thursday 3rd December it was a special day for comedian Bharti Singh as she celebrated her third marriage anniversary with Haarsh Limbachiyaa. On this special occasion, she congratulated her husband Harsh in a special way and penned down beautiful lines for her husband. Bharti wrote “Love is not about… how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.” adding further she wrote, “happy anniversary my love #lovelife #powercouple #strongertogether #BFF #soulmate #3anniversary @haarshlimbachiyaa30 thank you so much.”
The photos of them went viral and were worth watching. Harsh and Bharti are very active on social media. The love couple keeps sharing their latest pictures and videos for the fans. And just because she has a huge fan following due to its fabulous comedy she performs onscreen. Her fans also eagerly wait for the latest updates of her. And now after the photos came out it circulated all over. And heaped praises from the fans.
Let us tell you that Harsh and Bharti got married on 3 December 2017. And they choose Goa as their wedding destination and had a 5-day function over there. They both share a good bond both on-screen and off-screen. And are also seen together on the T.V show Khatra Khatra Khatra where the host team up with the fans present on the show and play a series of fun games.
Check out the photos below:
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