Bollywood actor Vijay Raaz was arrested by the Gondia police. The actor was detained from a hotel on Tuesday, although he has now got bail. Actor Vijay Raaz has been accused of molesting a female team member during the shooting of the ongoing film Sherni in Madhya Pradesh. On the night of 2 November, the woman working as an associate member in the shooting of ‘Sherni’ accused Vijay Raaz of molestation. The woman had lodged a report at Ramnagar police station in Gondia town of Madhya Pradesh and the police took immediate action and arrested them under Section 354 (A) (D).
According to the information revealed after the actor’s bail, Vijay Raaz has been dropped out from the film. Producers say that they do not want to put any stain on their name. For this reason, they have immediately removed Vijay Raaz. It is reported that someone else will be casted in his place.
According to a report, Vijay Raaz has been removed from Vidya Balan’s film Sherni. Due to this, producers are going to incur a loss of about 20 lakh rupees every day. Because Vijay is part of the film from its first schedule and now the rest of the star-team members may have to reshoot several scenes. Vijay Raaz was a part of the shooting for a total of 22 days and accordingly the film is expected to lose a total of 2 crores.
It is being told that Bollywood actor Vijay Raaz apologized soon after the incident. The incident took place on a shooting set when Vijay felt uncomfortable when he placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. Vijay says he had no ulterior motives and the victim is his daughter’s age. He cannot even think of doing this to a girl of his daughter’s age. Three days after Vijay Raaz’s apology, the victim filed a police case against him. However, the entire team associated with the film is shocked by this incident.
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