A picture of Bigg boss contestant Priyanka Chahar Choudhary holding the winner’s trophy is going viral. Scroll down to take a look.
Although there are still a few more weeks to know who will finally take home the winner’s trophy. People have started speculating the name of this contestant as a winner of this season. And that’s none other than Priyanka. She is the contestant who is receiving support from the audience right from the first day. The reason is her personality. Apart from showing her rude side, she is also seen cheering up her fellow contestants. Not only does she take a stand but she also takes an active part in the task that takes place in the house. This makes her stand apart as a funny, charming, strong, and opinionated contestant.
In a very short time, she won millions of hearts. And the hashtags such as ‘Fearless Priyanka Chahar’, and ‘Unbeatable Priyanka Chahar’ often trend on social media. Earlier also her name started trending. But later people also speculated Sumbal’s name in the winner’s list. But yet again Priyanka started trending. Not just this but a fan of hers also made her picture in which she can be seen holding the winner’s trophy. Although the photo has been edited and swapped with Bigg Boss 15 winner Tejasswi Prakash, it started tending on social media.
Check it out below.
Meanwhile, Priyanka was seen having a verbal spat with Sumbul Touqeer. This all started when Priyanka called the Imli actress fake. And that she sheds crocodile tears. Later Sumbul also slams her back and gets furious with her.