Something fresh has happened on Bigg Boss 17. Salman Khan, who is also an actor, will now host the Weekend Ka Vaar programmes on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, his brothers, Sohail and Arbaaz Khan, will tease the participants. They may also be seen laughing about the real reason Salman contacted them to collaborate on the programme in the new ad.
Arbaaz Khan and Sohail Khan are shown in the trailer discussing about their new deal while seated in the Bigg Boss house. Speaking about it, Arbaaz notes that it is specifically stated in the contract that they are not permitted to work on any other channel’s show while they are working on the show. In a caustic rejoinder, Sohail queries, “Humne bahut shows kiye hain na bahar ke channel ke liye (have we done a lot of shows with other channels)?”
Neither of the two appears frequently on TV. Arbaaz responds that they are serving as the show’s hosts when he goes on to question them about their true roles.
Upon arriving at the Bigg Boss stage on a bike, the three siblings groove to the song “Just Chill” by Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya. They had all three been in the film as stars. Salman learns from Arbaaz that Sohail wasn’t clear what he needed to do for the show. Telling them it’s the “number one” programme in terms of entertainment, he says Salman phoned them.
The performance does provide a great deal of enjoyment, Arbaaz continues. Sohail responds to him cynically, saying, “Ye to kahenge hi, inhe aapke saath Dabangg 4 karni hai (he will say that because he wants to do Dabangg 4 with you.” Arbaaz then asks, “Tujhe Radhe 2 nahi banani hai?” and Sohail responds, “No”.
A fan reacted to this fresh promo “Bhai chara (brotherhood)” with a clapping emoji. Another wrote, “Hello Brothers”. Someone said, “Ab aayega asli mazaa (now the real fun will begin), all brothers in one game”