The stage is set for a thrilling finale as Team India clashes with Australia for the World Cup today. Amid this Bollywood stars are adding their charisma and enthusiasm to the grand spectacle. Celebrities like Anushka Sharma, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, and Ayushmann Khurrana reached there to cheer India.
The Cricket World Cup 2023 is reaching its pinnacle with an epic final between Team India and Australia in Ahmedabad. Excitement is reaching not only among cricket enthusiasts but also in the world of Bollywood. Celebrities like Anushka Sharma, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, and Ayushmann Khurrana showed their presence in Ahmedabad to cheer for the nation.
Anushka Sharma’s Elegant Arrival with daughter Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma, accompanied by her adorable daughter Vamika, made a graceful entrance at the Ahmedabad airport. A fan-captured video showcased Anushka in a poised demeanor, dressed in an elegant white ethnic suit, ready to support her husband, Virat Kohli, on this cricketing spectacle.
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s Stylish Entry For World Cup
Power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone added their glamour to the cricketing extravaganza. The duo was spotted making a stylish entrance at a private airport in Mumbai. For the highly anticipated final match. Ranveer and Deepika both supported Team India’s jersey. She was accompanied by her father Prakash Padukone and sister Anisha Padukone.
Ayushmann Khurrana Made an entry in Team India’s Jersey
Actor Ayushmann Khurrana, showing his unwavering support for Team India, embarked on an early morning flight to Ahmedabad. The actor shared her journey on Instagram Stories. Ayushmann was seen donning the Indian cricket team’s jersey at 4 am. Expressing his anticipation, Ayushmann was seen talking about the hope and excitement among Indian fans.