The nation is still in shock because the sudden demise of cheerful actor Sushant Singh Rajput. With the release of his film ‘Dil Bechara’ fans are now emotional and everyone is praising and remembering the great actor SSR. The bollywood peers of SSR are also fondly taking to their social media to remember him.
Recently Celina Jaitly penned a heartfelt note for Sushant on her Facebook page. She wrote, “Limelight seems to be the brightest place in the world but behind the brightest lights is also the darkness of a moonless night and immense loneliness. Fear grows in that darkness and many feed upon it until you reach for the light, switch it on and realise it was just the demons in the mind. These demons, they are scared of the real light within “YOU” for that light, it will outshine everything they have built.”
The actress further writes about how Sushant’s journey will show many others a light in their paths of life. She says, “I often felt the same way. I was rescued, but your journey will show the light to many in darkness so shine bright amongst the stars Sushant, for even in death you let many benefit from you selflessly. I often think you would be a Noble winning physicist or an Oscar winning actor no matter which field you chose… but you chose to rise above all and twinkle amidst the galaxies…. Will watch you & the skies tonight. Rest in peace.”
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