Recently dentists have come up with the suggestion for those who just recovered from Covid. So scroll down to know what it is.
We all have experienced the rise in the number of Covid cases after the second wave prevailed in the country. That is the reason why doctors are continuously telling everyone to take extra care to prevent contracting the novel virus. The instructions are specially for those who recovered from the virus.
Now apart from isolation other things the dentist also made an addition to it. As per the new precaution. Dentists are advising people to immediately change their toothbrush and tongue cleaner, to avoid reinfection.
Talking about it Dr Pravesh Mehra, HOD Dental Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, also said “If you or anyone in your family and friend circle have contracted Covid-19, once recovered, please ensure to change your toothbrush, tongue cleaner etc. These can harbour the virus, and it is best they are discarded,”
The reason is that the bacteria builds or stays resulting in reinfection and affect upper respiratory tract infections. Bacteria and viruses are found on brushes and tongue cleaner have high intensity and therefore there are chances for coming in contact with the virus again. Further, it can also pull the other people in the family.
As per WHO, coronavirus spreads through the droplets that come out of our mouth when an infected person sneeze, cough, laugh, shout, talk, etc. It also spreads if u come in contact with the surface that is touched by coronavirus patients. So as a precautionary measure we should wash our face also along with washing our hands.
Also, read Covid 19: Fabric Mask or Surgical Mask? Know Which Mask When To Wear