Deepika Padukone has shared her first look from her upcoming project “Chhappak” She is playing the role of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal in the film, currently being shot under the direction of Meghna Gulzar.
Deepika Padukon left her fans stunned when she announced that she was making her next film based on acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal. Her first look from the film as Malti came with a surprise that is doing rounds on social media. Deepika appears to be in full prosthetic makeup in the image, which shows her in an artistic side that highlights the scars and burns on her character’s face. On the other hand, the acid survivor Laxmi on whom the film is made, inspired by her real-life story has expressed her approval of Deepika being cast in the role. Laxmi said, “I am so happy that Deepika is playing the role. I have no right to judge her. How can I judge someone for something which I can’t do? She has played wonderful characters on screen and I believe she will give her best.” Chhapaak will be released on January 10, 2020. Watch the trailer beneath:
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