Actor couple Debina Bonnerjee and Gurmeet Choudhary on Tuesday announced that they become parents for the 2nd time. The couple announced their 2nd pregnancy four months after welcoming their first child, Lianna Choudhary, Lianna Choudhary. Taking to Instagram, Debina and Gurmeet shared a family photograph.
In the image, Gurmeet held Debina in one of his arms and looked at her. He carried Lianna in his other arm with his back to the camera. Debina took a gander at Gurmeet, had her arms around him as she held the sonography film for her fans. In the image, Debina can be seen wearing a white top and pink bottoms. Gurmeet wore a white outfit while Lianna was wearing a printed white frock and a hair band.
Posting the photo, Debina penned, “Few decisions are divinely timed and nothing can change that…this is one such blessing..coming soon to complete us.”
Many fans and celebs reacted to the post and congratulated the couple. Tassnim Nerurkar commented, “This is such amazing news….. congratulations guys.” Tanvi Thakkar wrote, “Omg congratulations.” Actress Tina Datta wrote, “Wooahhh.” Rashami Desai and Yuvika Chaudhary commented “Wow Congratulations.” A fan commented, “Wuhooo… This is such awesome… congratulations Guru n Debbi.” Another fan said, “Ohhhh…2little baby..omg.”