After nearly 13 years of marriage, singer-rapper Honey Singh and his wife Shalini Talwar were granted a divorce by a Delhi court on Tuesday. The case’s second application was granted by Principal Judge Paramjit Singh of the family court, ending a nearly two-and-a-half-year legal battle.
As per the Hindu Marriage Act, a follow-up motion is filed six to eighteen months following the filing of the divorce petition. An interregnum of six to eighteen months has been approved.
After being wed for 11 years in January 2011 by Honey and Shalini Talwar, a divorce case was mutually filed at the family court in September 2022, in accordance with section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act.
Advocate Ishan Mukherjee, defendant for Honey, mentioned in conversation to Hindustan Times, “The second motion has been granted and the divorce decree has been issued.”
He claimed that the issue was a private matrimonial concern, but he declined to discuss further. Talwar’s attorney, Advocate Vivek Singh, declined to comment on the matter, claiming that it is a marital dispute.
In August 2021, Shalini also filed a domestic abuse lawsuit against the singer with the Delhi Tis Hazari Court. A few days after the lawsuit was submitted, Honey posted on social media, denouncing the accusations as “malicious,” “false,” and “odious.” However, following a settlement between the parties, the claims were dropped.