Actress Dimple Kapadia turns 65 on Wednesday. Let’s glance back when she spoke about her experience of working with Hollywood director Christopher Nolan for Tenet. During an old interview, Dimple had said that Christopher, who is exceptionally secretive about his movies’ scripts uncovered it to her inside a locked-up make-up van.
During a 2020 interaction with, when Dimple was questioned about how Christopher showed her the script, she said, “I was locked up in a make-up van and it took me about 4 hours to read it. For the first 50 pages, I didn’t know what the hell was happening, not that I got to know very much in the rest of it but I read a lot, yet I could not understand what was happening. Then I saw my dialogue and they were like, so long, so long that I had a heart attack, and I can’t remember lines.”
She added, “So what I did was a cheeky thing and I took my phone and I clicked just my dialogue, you know, and when Andy Thomson [Associate Producer] came I gave him the script and I said ‘Listen, I’ve taken shots of my dialogue’ and he said ‘You can’t do that’. So I said ‘You have to give it to me because I did not remember anything’. I said ‘I’m being honest with you and telling you that I need this, without this I can’t deliver really, really long, long lines’ and thank God I had that with me and I could work because the whole shoot is in, like, a single shot. He got the whole scene in a single shot so it was literally a speech.”
Tenet, the Warner Bros espionage spine-chiller featured John David Washington in the lead along with Dimple, Robert Pattinson, Michael Caine, Elizabeth Debicki, Kenneth Branagh, Aaron Taylor Johnson, and Clemence Poesy. In the movie, Dimple portrays the role of Priya, an arms dealer from India.