Aslam Khan, brother of Veteran actor Dilip Kumar, has passed away. His brother Ahsan Khan is also in critical condition. It is known that recently the corona report of both came positive after which they were admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. Both of them were admitted to the hospital on August 16 after having trouble in breathing.
Earlier, Dr Jalil Parkar of Lilavati Hospital had told that the condition of both was continuously deteriorating due to old age and other diseases. Let us tell you that Ahsan Khan is 90 years old while Aslam Khan was 88 years old. According to the information, despite the best efforts of the doctors, the health of both of them was continuously deteriorating.
Dilip Kumar’s younger brother Aslam Khan breathed his last on Friday morning. He had diabetes, high blood pressure and heart related problems. After this, he got coronavirus due to which his condition was continuously worsening. When both were admitted to the hospital, doctor Jalil Parkar had said, ‘Aslam Khan and Ehsan Khan are on non-invasive ventilator support. He had hypoxia, his oxygen was below 94, both had cough and fever as well. ‘
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