Sony Pictures International Productions, India recently announced that a biopic on the life and legacy of late veteran star Madhubala is in the works. Famously called ‘the living Taj Mahal’ and ‘India’s Marilyn Monroe’. The makers have announced exciting news.
After months of speculation Friday, it was officially announced that a movie about the famous actor Madhubala was being made. The director of the movie is Jasmeet K Reen, who directed the well-liked film Darlings with Alia Bhatt and Vijay Varma. The movie will be produced by Sony Pictures International Productions and Brewing Thoughts Pvt. Ltd. Along with Madhubala’s sisters Madhur Brij Bhushan and Arvind Kumar Malviya. They will co-produce it under the banner of Madhubala Ventures.
This news was shared on Instagram by the makers. They wrote, “Exciting News! We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming film honoring the legendary Madhubala, the epitome of grace and talent. Get ready to delve into the timeless charm and captivating story of one of Bollywood’s most iconic stars. Stay tuned for updates! #MadhubalaFilm #BollywoodLegend #ComingSoon.”
Here’s the post below:
This announcement follows reports that Manish Malhotra might be making a film about Madhubala, with Kriti Sanon possibly starring. In October 2022, Madhubala’s sister Madhur Brij Bhushan firmly denied the existence of any other film project, stating that there would be “only one” Madhubala biopic, backed by her and her team.
“The idea is to not hurt anyone’s sentiments (through the said biopic) but we will showcase several unknown facets of Madhu Apa’s life that aren’t out in public. The film shall also put several misnomers/inaccuracies about her life to rest. Makers of Apa’s biopic backed by me will have all the creative freedom to put out her life truthfully and honestly,” Bhushan said. Let us tell you that the casting details for the Madhubala biopic are yet to be announced, but the film is expected to begin production this summer.
About Madhu Bala ‘Bollywood’s Marilyn Monroe’
Madhubala was an iconic actress who graced the Indian silver screen during the golden era of Hindi cinema. Born on February 14, 1933, in Delhi, India, as Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi, she emerged as one of the most prominent stars of Indian cinema. During her two-decade-long career, Madhubala featured in approximately 60 movies. And was reputed as one of the highest-earning actresses of her time. She was celebrated for her beauty and performances in films like Mr and Mrs 55, Half Ticket Mahal, and Badal, among others. And gained fame for her iconic role as Anarkali in films like “Mughal-e-Azam,” in which she went on to deliver an iconic performance.
Tragically, her life was cut short by illness. She was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition at a young age, which worsened over time. Despite her health struggles, she continued to work in films, displaying remarkable skills. But she left the world at the age of 36 in 1969. Leaving a void in Indian cinema.
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