The world of Bollywood is as glamorous on the outside as it is ugly on the inside. Here the rising sun is saluted, if one Friday your film flops then everyone starts stealing eyes from you. This has happened with big Bollywood actors and our dream girl Hema Malini has not been untouched by it. Hema Malini, once the No. 1 heroine of Bollywood, had to work in B-grade films when her time was bad.
What actually happened was that when Hema Malini thought of returning to Bollywood after giving birth to her eldest daughter, the big filmmakers refused to work with her. In search of work, Hema was looking for big directors and producers but could not find work anywhere. She did not want to tell Dharam ji about her problem.
In such a situation, Shyam Ralhan offered Hema Malini to work in one of his B-grade film Ramkali. Hesitantly, Hema Malini signed the film. Hema Malini had no other choice in this time of compulsion. However, while signing the film, Hema Malini had asked Shyam Ralhan to put up posters of this film outside the city.
It is also said that after doing this film, Hema Malini got a line of B-grade films. Every day one or another film producer started coming to Hema Malini’s house with his film. Hema Malini did not like all this but in times of compulsion she had to say yes to these producers.
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