As per the latest update. There are reports that a 21-year-old Activist named Disha Ravi from Banglore has been arrested for sharing the Greta Thunberg tool kit.
Greta Thunberg the Swedish activist was in the headline right after she made her tweet in support of farmers, whose protest is still underway at several borders. The teen activist shared a toolkit in connection showing support to the farmers, which was later deleted. In the toolkit, there were several things like a Twitter storm, and protest outside the embassies, and other things were also mentioned.
However, the Delhi police investigated this and said. That the toolkit which was being circulated on social media was made by pro-Khalistan forces. And since it came under the radar of police, the investigations about the same continued. No one was sure about the creator of the toolkit. Now as per the latest reports it is being told that the pro-Khalistan group named “Poetic Justice Foundation” is the creator of the “toolkit”. And now the case has been registered against the culprits.
Recently the news has also popped up that a 21-year-old climate activist named Disha Ravi, has been arrested for being allegedly involved in sharing the “toolkit” related to the farmer’s protest on social media, on Saturday. Disha is a BBA student’ and is also a member of Fridays For Future India’. Soon after she got arrested Anil Mittal from Delhi police made a statement about Disha stating. “She was one of the editors of the toolkit Google Doc and a key conspirator in the document’s formulation and dissemination.,”
Let us tell you that the toolkit that was shared by these people was set up to spread the ill-will against the government of India. And aimed at creating disharmony and conflicts between the various social and cultural groups.
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