Bollywood actor Papu Pompom has landed himself in a controversy for making fun of internet sensation Ranu Mondal. The actor was heavily trolled by social media users after a video showing him making mimicry of Mondal went viral on social media.
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Dolly Bhardwaj
I am A 24×7 energetic and cheerful soul. Hailing from Amritsar, I believe in sticking to the roots no matter where one lands up. I get the creative DNA of writing, dancing, and fine arts from the empowered women of my family. I listened to my heart so I opted for humanities over other streams. Now, pursuing Masters in mass communications, I intend to use my words to voice for what is right. I believe ‘laughter and dance’ are the secret ingredients in the recipe of my life. Thankful to God for having the best ever family, best ever partner and best ever friends, I wish to work each day to make them proud.