Shah Rukh Khan was on close call when suddenly the fire has broken out on the sets of his upcoming film ‘Zero’ in Mumbai Film City. According to the reports, Shah Rukh Khan was on set at the time of the incident. After the fire broke out, the makers immediately called the fire brigade and five fire engines have reportedly been sent to the spot to control the blaze.
However, it is still under investigation that what led to the origin of the fire. Eyewitnesses said smoke was seen emerging from one of the studios. The fire was confined to electric wiring and installation, shooting material, ropes and curtains, reportedly.
talking about Shah Rukh Khan’s film, actresses Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif are also in the main leads in the film. The film tracks the story of vertically challenged Bauua (Shah Rukh Khan), who falls in love with a cerebral palsy patent Aafia Yusufzai Bhinde (Anushka). His life transforms completely when he also falls for an alcoholic actress Babita Kumari (Katrina Kaif). The film is slated to release on December 21.