Director Aditya Sarpotdar, made a web film based on the life of Reshma Pathan, who has known as Bollywood’s first stunt Woman, titled as ‘The Sholay Girl’. The film released recently. The film got released on Zee 5. Reshma had appeared as body doubles of many actresses in the film. She turned 65 now.
Born in a poverty-stricken family, she turned the bread earner of her family at the age of 14 by doing stunts in the films. She never wanted to this as she had many aspirations beyond it. But destiny made her reach Bollywood not as an actress but as a stunt woman.
She said in an interview that many opposed her decision as they suggested she will get scared or handicapped. But running out of money, Reshma had no choice. She wanted to become an actress but whenever she requested to have a role she got to hear, she is here for stunts not acting.
Reshma said that in that era of male-dominant Bollywood she struggled a lot. She also revealed that casting couch also prevailed in that time. Many times she also faced some malicious demands by the directors but she was strong enough to refuse.
Reshma shot to fame with film Sholay that released in 1975. She played Hema Malini’s body double in the film. She did stunts for actresses like Meenakshi Seshadri, Sridevi, Dimple Kapadia. She was last seen in Rohit Shetty’s film Golmaal Again. She is still active in Bollywood and now along with the stunts she also does acting.