This day marks Saif Ali Khan’s 53rd birthday. The greatest location to get a glimpse into his early years is on his sister Saba Pataudi’s Instagram. We present to you some images from Saif’s family album in honour of his special day, courtesy of Saba Pataudi.(Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
The oldest child of cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and actress Sharmila Tagore is Saif Ali Khan. This image was posted by Saba Pataudi, who said, “MY Familia…..♥️My hand ..protectively supports, @sakpataudi..while Ma holds bhai in her embrace, Abba fondly looking at them.” (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
Saif Ali Khan adored by mother Sharmila. (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
Saba shared pictures of Saif. (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
Saba Pataudi, sister Soha Ali Khan with Saif and mom Sharmila in the frame. (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
“Childhood..! Best times Of your life..mostly!,” penned down Saba Pataudi. (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
This image demonstrates how much Taimur Ali Khan, the son of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan, resembles his father. (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
Saif Ali Khan is quite expressive (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)
Saif is known for his flamboyance, happy birthday to the star. (Source: Saba Pataudi/Instagram)