Gabriel Guevara, an actor, was detained during the Venice Film Festival. The actor was wanted internationally, according to Hollywood Reporter, for an alleged sexual assault in France. My Fault, Culpa Mia on Amazon Prime is where the actor is most known.
According to The Post Internazionale, Venice police have verified Gabriel’s detention. The actor reportedly had commitments at the film festival, including a press conference and an awards presentation. He was going to be recognised as the festival’s Best Young Actor.
In addition to Spanish-language plays and films, Gabriel is well-known for his roles in the films You’re Nothing Special and How to Screw it All Up (2022).
La Biennale di Venezia is in charge of conducting the 80th Venice International Film Festival, which is under Alberto Barbera’s direction. The venue is Venice Lido. It started on August 30 and will end on September 9, 2023, all while the SAG-AFTRA strike was still in effect.