Actor Jyotika who just made her entry on Instagram, kicked off with a post featuring her workout routine, giving fitness vibes. The actor recently celebrated her 44th birthday and commemorating the special day, she gifted herself health and strength, as claimed by the former. She further mentioned that she would not let her age transform her, it is because she has evolved through functional training.
She posted a video on Instagram and wrote, “Gifting myself this birthday with strength n health. Functional training with the extremely gifted Mahesh Ghanekar. I will not let age change me, I will change the way I age.” In the video, she appeared sweating it with her fitness trainer at on different days.
Just after the video was posted, Manjima Mohan commented, “Woah” supplemented with a fire emoji. A fan commented, “Oh my god. This is so inspiring.” Another wrote, “True inspiration to many like me.”
The actor’s feed featured the first post of a trip, the post was captioned as, “Hello everyone! On social media for the very first time ! A lot of positivity to share from my lockdown diaries.”
It added, “At the Himalayas on Independence Day, The beautiful Kashmir Great Lakes , 70 km trek with the awesome team of Bikat adventures- Rahul ,Sachin, Raul and Ashwin, the Kashmir team Mushtaq n Riyaz bhai. Thank u. Life is only an existence, unless we start living it! India is gorgeous! Jai hind!.”
Jyotika will be next seen in a Malayalam project named Kaathal, a Jeo Baby directorial.