There is also a railway service in the European country Germany in which trains hang on the track. This very old railway service was started in the year 1901 itself. About 82,000 people travel daily in these hanging trains run in the city of Wuppertal, Germany.
According to a report, this hanging train from Germany has been the victim of a serious accident only once. In 1999, a hanging train fell into the Wuppar River. In this accident, 5 people died and around 50 people were injured. Apart from this, in 2008 and 2013 too, the hanging trains were victims of minor accidents, but no one was killed in those accidents.
The total length of the track of these hanging trains is 13.3 km and it runs at a height of 39 feet from the Wuppar River. A total of 20 stations have been built to halt these trains. These trains run on electricity.
The reason for these trains hanging like this is that by the end of the 19th century the town of Wuppertal had reached the top of its industrial development. There were roads here, but they were used only for carrying goods and for walking people. It was quite difficult to drive the tram on the ground because of lack of space.
Due to the hilly terrain of this area, even underground rail could not be run here. In these conditions, some engineers from Germany decided to run the hanging train.