Sakshi Dhoni, wife of famous Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni threw a birthday bash recently. She turned 30 years old on November 19. MS Dhoni, who was left out of the T20I series against West Indies and Australia, partied with Hardik and a few other friends on his wife’s birthday party. Pictures and videos of the party went viral on social media.
To let you know, Hardik Pandya is out of the Indian team owing to his injury but that by no means is keeping him away from the limelight. The Indian all-rounder is in the news as fans were left wondering if he was smoking during MS Dhoni’s wife Sakshi’s birthday bash on Sunday as captured in one of the videos. This is of course not the first time a cricketer has been spotted smoking.
Watch the video below:
Netizens troll Hardik Pandya for smoking and posted some comments:
Don’t know about others but Indian captain Virat Kohli may not be a very happy man if he will come to watch the viral video of Hardik Pandya smoking. It is because he insists on eating right and training hard and he expects his men to follow a strict fitness routine.