Hema Malini aka Dream Girl of Bollywood recently spotted on the roads having a broom in her hand. Actually, the actress-turned politician Hema Malini has recently participated in ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and she was seen sweeping the road outside Parliament premises along with Minister of State for Finance Anurag Thakur.
Her video started getting viral on social media and she got trolled by social media users for her way she was sweeping the road. A social media user went beyond and sarcastically asked Hema Malini’s husband Dharmendra whether his wife Hema Malini has ever picked up a broom in her life. And He-man’s response grabbed all the limelight.
The user asked, “Sir, madam ne actually kabhi zindagi mein jhaadoo uthayi kya?” To this, Dharmendra replied,
This left the user wordless and he couldn’t resist praising his honesty and smartness. He replied,